WHY to join
You will stay informed and will have first-hand access to new developments in the area of linguistic data science.
You will learn about new methods and techniques (linguistic linked data, linked data-aware NLP, etc.) that will enrich your own work.
You will find other researches and practitioners for sharing, discussing, and enriching your own research ideas.
You will be able to find teams all around Europe that can host your research visits and you can be (partially) funded for this.
You will participate in scientific meetings all around Europe where you will meet other NexusLinguarum researchers and where you will be able to align your research interests with the broader scope of the Action goals.
You can participate in the training schools and scientific workshops and conferences organised by NexusLinguarum, at no registration cost and with the possibility of being reimbursed for your travel expenses.
If you do research in an Inclusiveness Target Country (ITC) and are a PhD or Early Career Investigator, you have the chance of getting conference grants for travelling to international conferences and present your NexusLinguarum-related work there.
If you are a practitioner, you will be able to provide real application scenarios and datasets to which apply linguistic data science techniques.
HOW to join
If you are affiliated to an institution or company anywhere in the world, you can join the Action as a member of any of its Working Groups (WGs) by following this procedure:
1. See the description and activities of the different WGs, to choose the ones(s) more suitable for your interests.
2. Manifest your interest by email to the Action Chair and to the leader(s) of the WGs you plan to register to.
2. Manifest your interest by email to the Action Chair and to the leader(s) of the WGs you plan to register to.
3. If you do not have a profile in the eCost platform yet, you should register in eCost: https://e-services.cost.eu/user/registration .
4. Fill in your data and WG preferences through this registration form: https://e-services.cost.eu/action/CA18209/working-groups/apply
5. Once your application is approved, you will be subscribed to the WGs mailing lists of your interest, so you can receive the emails related to the WG activities.
4. Fill in your data and WG preferences through this registration form: https://e-services.cost.eu/action/CA18209/working-groups/apply
5. Once your application is approved, you will be subscribed to the WGs mailing lists of your interest, so you can receive the emails related to the WG activities.
If you are affiliated in a COST country that has not yet representation in the NexusLinguarum Management Committee (MC), you can contact the COST National Coordinator (CNC) of your country, as well as the Action Chair, to be included. For each Action, up to two representatives per COST Member can be nominated to the MC. The MC is responsible for the coordination, implementation, and management of an Action.
UPDATE (1/11/23): during the last months of the Action (which is finishing in April 2024) we are not accepting more self-candidacies to join the Action as a Working Group member (only candidacies resulting from a direct invitation of a WG leader will be considered).