Workshop on Deep Learning and Neural Approaches for Linguistic Data

Meeting Dates: 30th September 2021

Venue: Skopje, North Macedonia (& online)

Organizer Institution: Ľ. Štúr Institute of Linguistics at the Slovak Academy of Sciences & Centre for Translation Studies at University of Vienna

Local Organizers: 

Organizing committee: Radovan Garabik, Dagmar Gromann



Image above by Julian Nyča – no changes. Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0.


NexusLinguarum organizes a workshop on joining neural approaches for linguistic data on 30 September 2021, which will take place as a hybrid event in Skopje, North Macedonia.


Deep learning and neural network approaches are indispensable in modern Natural Language Processing and generally in all kinds of linguistic data analysis approaches.
The workshop is aimed at deep learning in connection with linguistic data and the effective use of deep learning in understanding the specificities of linguistic data, to be better exploited and combined with linked data mechanisms. Researchers from all areas of NLP, corpus and computational linguistics are invited to present their research, results, tools and applications. Presenting ongoing research, projects, work in progress and future plans is welcome, as well as notable already published results.


We are especially interested in, but do not restrict the workshop to, topics, such as: 
  • Language models for the Multilingual Semantic Web,
  • Enhancement of language models with structured linguistic data,
  • Neural Machine Translation for LLOD interlinking,
  • Structured linguistic data to improve Neural Machine Translation,
  • Use cases combining language models and structured linguistic data 


Selection process: Submissions will be reviewed based on their suitability for the overall topic and their potential contribution to the discussion of the workshop. Submissions are going to be included in an online booklet of abstracts.  


Mode of presentation: hybrid – both physical and online.
Location: Skopje, North Macedonia


Submission deadline: 15 July 2021
Notification deadline: 2 August 2021
Online booklet publication: 15 September 2021 
Workshop: 30 September 2021 


Submission type: extended abstracts
Length: max. 2 pages including references 
Format: Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS); Overleaf template:

 or LaTeX source files