Tutorial on LLOD – Linguistic Linked Open Data at TALN-RECITAL 2021
Meeting Dates: June 28th 2021
Venue: Originally foreseen in Lille, France, the event took place in a virtual fashion
Gilles Sérasset and Thierry Declerck gave a one-day tutorial on LLOD – Linguistic Linked Open Data at the TALN-RECITAL 2021 conference. The tutorial was supported by the NexusLinguarum COST Action and the Prêt-à-LLOD project.
The tutorial gave an introduction to the concepts related to the Semantic Web and Linked Data, with a special focus on application scenarios in language technologies
It addressed the following elements:
- Semantic Web and Linked Open Data
- Ontologies (RDF, OWL, RDF-S, etc.)
- Query mechanisms (SPARQL)
- Metadata (DCAT, VOID, etc.)
- Linguistic linked data
- Lemon-Ontolex
- Corpus and linked data
- Linguistic annotations
- Tools and applications of linguistic linked data