Spring School LiSeH 2021
Meeting Dates: April 6. bis 9. 2021
Venue: Originally foreseen in Graz, Austria, the event took place in a virtual fashion
Website: https://informationsmodellierung.uni-graz.at/en/institute/events/spring-school-liseh-2021/
The spring school on Linked Data & the Semantic Web for Humanities Research was co-organized by the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage at the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the Centre for Information Modelling – Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities at the University of Graz and is funded by CLARIAH-AT and supported by the H2020 project ELEXIS. Thierry Declerck and John McCrae gave a session on Linguistic Linked Data, supported by the NexusLinguarum COST Action and the Prêt-à-LLOD project.
The school gave an introduction to the concepts related to the Semantic Web and Linked Data, with an overview of semantic web technologies and tools with a special focus on application scenarios in the Humanities
- Identifying standards and technologies
- RDF and triples
- Semantic querying: SPARQL and triple stores
- Linked data curation
- Knowledge Representation and Ontologies
- Linked Data in Linguistics
- Modelling cultural heritage data