Dates: 2021-07-12 to 2021-07-31
Duration: 19 days
Applicant: Víctor Rodríguez Doncel
Venue: Athens, Greece
Host Institution: Institute for Language and Speech Processing (ILSP)
Host: Penny Labropoulou
Involved WGs: WG1
Víctor Rodríguez-Doncel is Associate Professor in the Artificial Intelligence departament at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, in Spain. During this summer, Víctor spent some weeks doing a research visit in the Institute of Language and Speech Processing (ILSP) of AthenaRC in Athens, Greece.
The mission was to better license language resources, where ‘better’ means ‘in a manner that computer can process the rights information’. For this regard, Víctor regularly met his host Penny Labropoulou and her team, having regular discussions, drawing many diagrams in whiteboards and finally programming actual code –from ideas to executable code. This type of short STSM visits are suitable to design a small data model, to think some simple services and to program some methods –something doable in a few weeks, yet yielding high impact results.
In particular, the activities carried out were: i) Identification and review of policies of interest for ILST to license language data; ii) creation of mappings of licenses into a machine readable form; iii) definition of several RDF license examples; iv) implementation of authorization algorithms to conditionally grant access and (v) set up of a demo/live HTTP REST API.
The results of this visit are tangible but also non-tangible. The main technological results are a data model, a dataset using the data model, and services consuming the data. The non-technological results include the consolidation of the cooperation lines between the two institutes, a presentation given by the mission visitor and plans for future cooperation lines.
The image shows the uildings hosting the Computer Science faculty in Madrid and AthenaRC in Athens. Nexus Linguarum does not sleep even during the dog days in the hot summers of Madrid and Athens