Nexus Workshops days in Jerusalem
Meeting Dates: 23-24 May 2022
Venue: Jerusalem, Israel (& online)
Organizer Institution(s):
Local Organizer(s): Chaya Liebeskin, Jerusalem College of Technology, Jerusalem
Organizing committee:
Title: Nexus Workshops days in Jerusalem
Short description:
The Jerusalem College of Technology is happy to host the following workshops
- Taxonomy and annotation of offensive language: implicitness
- Linguistic knowledge processing with deep learning
- Discourse studies and linguistic data science: Addressing challenges in interoperability, multilinguality and linguistic data processing
- PROfiling LINGuistic KNOWledgE gRaphs (ProLingKNOWER)
May 23:
- Taxonomy and annotation of offensive language: implicitness – full-day workshop
- PROfiling LINGuistic KNOWledgE gRaphs (ProLingKNOWER) – half-day workshop (morning)
May 24
- Discourse studies and linguistic data science: Addressing challenges in interoperability, multilinguality and linguistic data processing – full-day workshop
- Linguistic knowledge processing with deep learning – half-day workshop (morning)