The kick-off meeting of NexusLinguarum took place in Brussels on 28th October 2019. Representatives of the 33 COST countries that initiated the network met for one day and discussed about the objectives the Action, the plans for implementing the different networking tools, and the scope and goals of the different working groups. The initial group constituted a broad network of experts from different areas, like computer science, semantic web, artificial intelligence, linguistics, humanities, etc., aiming at building a common ecosystem to support research on linguistic data science.
At the end of the session, Dr. Jorge Gracia (University of Zaragoza, Spain) was elected Chair of the Action and Dr. John McCrae (National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland) Vice-Chair. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain, was appointed as Grant Holder institution, and Dr. Elena Montiel-Ponsoda as its Scientific Representative. The rest of the members of the initial core group were also elected, with representatives from Czech Republic, Portugal, Germany, Austria, Greece and Netherlands.