3rd Conference on Language, Data and Knowledge (LDK 2021)
Meeting Dates: September 2021
Venue: Zaragoza, Spain
Organizer Institution: University of Zaragoza, Spain
Local Organizers: Jorge Gracia, Julia Bosque-Gil, Fernando Bobillo
Organizing committee: John McCrae, Thierry Declerck
Website: http://2021.ldk-conf.org/
Language, Data and Knowledge (LDK) aims at bringing together researchers from across disciplines concerned with the acquisition, curation and use of language data in the context of data science and knowledge-based applications. With the advent of the Web and digital technologies, an ever-increasing amount of language data is now available across application areas and industry sectors, including social media, digital archives, company records, etc. The efficient and meaningful exploitation of this data in scientific and commercial innovation is at the core of data science research, employing NLP and machine learning methods, as well as semantic technologies based on knowledge graphs
Language data is of increasing importance to machine learning-based approaches in NLP, Linked Data and Semantic Web research and applications that depend on linguistic and semantic annotation with lexical, terminological and ontological resources, manual alignment across language or other human-assigned labels. The acquisition, provenance, representation, maintenance, usability, quality as well as legal, organizational and infrastructure aspects of language data are therefore rapidly becoming major areas of research that are at the focus of the conference.
Starting from its third edition, LDK will be the major conference to be organized by the COST Action “NexusLinguarum”. LDK 2021 featured satellite events (2 tutorials and 4 workshops, and also a W3C Day), all dealing with specialized aspects of the research topics that are at the core of NexusLinguarum. The conference was held in a hybrid mode, and we counted 212 unique participants, 40 of them joining the conference in Zaragoza. The conference attracted a high number of participants, more than doubling the number of participants of the former editions., LDK-2017 (https://www.ldk2017.org/) and LDK-2019 (http://2019.ldk-conf.org/). We think that this is to a large part due to the support by NexusLinguarum, allowing a free registration to the event.