“Terminology and Specialized Knowledge” conference held at the University of Rijeka
The international conference “Terminology and Specialized Knowledge Representation: New Perspectives on User Needs” (TESK) was held on 9-10 June 2022 at the Faculty of Law, University of Rijeka in Croatia. It was organized as a hybrid event with over 60 participants from 15 European countries, the majority of whom attended the conference in person.

Faculty of Law, University of Rijeka. Photo by: Stjepan Gržančić
There were three plenary talks, given by well-known experts in their respective fields: Špela Vintar from the Faculty of Arts of the University of Ljubljana, Friedemann Vogel, Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Siegen, and Sara Carvalho from the Águeda School of Technology and Management, University of Aveiro and NOVA FCSH. Špela Vintar presented the results of the TermFrame project, including a knowledge base for karstology developed following the frame-based approach, and the findings of two experiments related to specialized frames. Friedemann Vogel discussed challenges and possibilities of making legal texts more understandable to non-experts, while Sara Carvalho talked about introducing the LLOD paradigm in the biomedical domain in order to link different resources and make medical terminology more accessible to end users.
The main research topics of the conference were covered in 20 papers, ranging from legal terminology, LSP teaching and domain languages, to the application of NLP methods and language models in terminology extraction.
A special workshop on “Terminology and LLOD in Life Sciences” was organized within the COST Action Nexus Linguarum on the second day of the conference. It included 6 talks, among which the presentations by Nexus members Dimitar Trajanov, Thierry Declerck and Barbara Heinisch were particularly well received.
The conference was held within the research project the Dynamicity of Specialized Knowledge Categories (DIKA), financed by the Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ), which explores the application of semantic frames in defining specialized knowledge categories and identifying links between different types of knowledge.
https://www.jezik.hr/tesk2022/ for “Terminology and Specialized Knowledge Representation: New Perspectives on User Needs” (TESK) in the first sentence.
https://www.jezik.hr/tesk2022/conference-programme/ for “20 papers” in the 3rd paragraph.
http://ihjj.hr/dika/index.php/en/181-2/ for “Dynamicity of Specialized Knowledge Categories (DIKA)” in the final paragraph.